Monday, April 19, 2010

this. is. it.

So...this is it. This is my blog. I have been SUPER hesitant about starting this blog, because really...why would anyone want to read what I have to say? For much of my life, I have done things to be on the "safe" side...and that even meant not taking risks that *might* cause embarrassment or injury...just in case I messed up. That's why in elementary Phys. Ed. I would always let others go give me time to decide whether or not I would be able to perform the task well. That's why in the 6th Grade, I quit my campaign of running for "Class Rep" and told everyone else to vote for Peggy Liao because I was scared I would lose to her (thanks, Neelam, for voting for me anyways!). That's why I never tried out for volleyball in high school...

And in the world of blogging...what if I write a blog and no one reads it? Or worse yet, people read it and leave terrible comments? What if? What if? What if?

But today is the day I start asking new "what if's." Instead of focusing on all the self-doubt I have, I choose to focus on the positive "what if's." What if something I say brings a smile to one person's face? What if my struggle today helps someone over their struggle tomorrow? What if my own insecurities and self-doubt keep me silent--keep me from telling about my God who helps me conquer all of these fears? What if my children read this one day and are relieved to find out that their mother doesn't have all the answers (even though she often thinks she does!) but she's willing to journey with them towards finding them? What if? What if? What if? pursuit of all the positive "what if's," all the good that God could bring out of this, and all the things he has already put on my heart to share...this blog begins and I invite you to join in through reading, commenting, and sharing your own "what if's" as well!

(It's weird...I feel like I'm writing the "Introduction" to a book or something...and at this point in time I feel like I need to make a dedication... :)

So, I dedicate this blog to my Heavenly Father, without whom I would only be left with the "what if's" that keep me from sharing my story.